Lavender and sustainable farming

Sustainability and farming in Tuscany, Siena

Lavender Sustainable farming
Sustainability in Tuscany, Siena


A surprise of colors and scents

The idea of Lavandeto was born from our passion for fragrances and medicinal plants. Natural and phytotherapeutic remedies have always accompanied our lives and are an important support for our well-being.In Vall d’Arbia we were The first to grow lavender, challenging The clay soils of the Crete Senesi. It came to life in 2021, as soon as we arrived, with the cultivation of “True” or “officinal” lavender, and from then to now curiosity and passion have driven us to grow, and in 2023 we introduced other varieties of lavender, seven in all, creating a small open-air museum. The myriads of bees that work incessantly bringing home its nectar to produce honey and the countless butterflies that flutter among its fragrant flowers underscore its spectacularity.

Sustainable Products

Officinal Herbs directly from our land

Officinal Herbs of the organic cultivation engages us in a very strenuous hand hoeing in the two months prior to flowering,but then ensures that the Essential Oil extracted through distillation does not contain traces of harmful herbicides, which for us is essential considering that the Officinal Lavender in addition to the scent is used mainly for therapeutic purposes.

The Lavandeto is also a place of hospitality, there is no shortage of occasions from June to July when you can come and immerse yourself in the splendid and relaxing atmosphere of this corner of peace that we have built for you. 
Essential Oil of Lavender